Ryan Poser Art

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The future of .01

Hello anyone who might be reading. I just wanted to give a quick update on “.01”. At this point I’m not sure how it’s going to look going forward in terms of narrative etc. I’ve been playing around with some different ideas and I think I want it to be standalone disconnected stories for the most part, with the possibility of some subtle long term arcs. As it stands it’s basically a silent stylized movie thing, but I think I want it to become more character and story driven, and maybe include some text…not just some kids tripping in the woods. I want to focus on how technology effects our lives, mental health, growing up and environmental reflection. I’m also going to try and tie in some more supernatural elements into the stories, like what kind of strange things could these characters run into in the woods or their day dreams and so on? Perhaps they come across some ancient ruins that were built by some lovecraftian ancient ones or remains of an alien crash site, abandoned military projects, portals to other realms, extra-dimensional beings, body horror, Star Wars themed chapters (just kidding)… hell, the list goes on. Either way I’m having tons of fun just thinking about the possibilities. I may even change the name once the comic gains some traction. I’m thinking “Run Away” is a possibility although I’ve become somewhat attached to “.01”. Maybe 01 can be the main title and new stories in the future will be subtitled. I dunno. Thanks for reading my brainstorm and following the progress, it’s early days and y’all are getting in at the ground floor. I guess.
